Humanitarian Care

Humanitarian Assistance

How it works

The Humanitarian Assistance Program aims to address the basic needs of vulnerable immigrants who experience physical deterioration and lack social, family, and economic support. These individuals arrive at the Spanish coasts or enter the country via land routes through the cities of Ceuta and Melilla. Additionally, the program also includes the development of emergency socio-healthcare services, reception, provision of material to cover basic needs, basic financial assistance, and transfers.

This program is managed by the General Directorate of Humanitarian Assistance and Social Inclusion of Immigration, under the State Secretariat for Migration, and is funded through its own means from the General State Budget.

The services included in the Humanitarian Assistance Program are:

  1. Reception service: It provides funding for accommodation, meals, and other basic assistance to the final beneficiaries. It includes, among others:
    • Accommodation and meals
    • Provision of basic personal hygiene items, clothing, footwear, and a first aid kit
    • Basic healthcare assistance
    • Information, guidance, advice, and social, civic, healthcare, and legal support
    • Information on access to other public and private resources
    • Psychological support
    • Support in reestablishing family and social contacts
    • Assessment of personal circumstances and identification of vulnerabilities, with referral to specific care facilities according to identified needs
    • Language and literacy training
  2. Transfer service: It manages the transfer of beneficiaries within the Humanitarian Assistance Program, both upon entry and exit from the resources and between reception facilities.
  3. Service for major cities: It provides different resources with the capacity to provide attention and overnight stays, previously enabled and with short stays.
  4. Service for coasts or land routes: It addresses humanitarian emergency situations resulting from the irregular arrival of migrants.
  5. Socio-sanitary care service in Temporary Stay Centers for Immigrants (CETI): It includes social, healthcare, psychological, and legal information and intervention, translation and interpretation, training, leisure, and free time activities.

Additionally, it is worth noting the existence of other subservices that are also part of the Humanitarian Assistance Program:

  1. Comprehensive reception service: It covers the basic needs of accommodation and meals and provides beneficiaries with minimal social tools.
  2. Emergency reception and referral service (CAED): It serves as a structural and permanent emergency service.
  3. Emergency reception service: It establishes temporary emergency devices with an extraordinary nature, reinforcing the Humanitarian Assistance Program in cases of coastal arrivals and/or overcrowding of reception facilities.


The beneficiaries of the actions included in the Humanitarian Assistance Program, as well as the reception resources provided therein, are considered to be those migrants in a vulnerable situation due to physical or psychological deterioration and lack of social support, who meet the following requirements:

  1. Lack of resources to meet their own and their family's needs, either due to lack of income or not exceeding the established limits for the program.
  2. Having arrived in our country irregularly, either through the Spanish coasts or by accessing Ceuta and Melilla.

Likewise, the Humanitarian Assistance Program provides for an extraordinary allowance for those who meet, among others, the following vulnerability criteria:

  • Persons with disabilities
  • Elderly persons
  • Pregnant women
  • Women victims of gender-based violence
  • Persons responsible for minors
  • Potential victims of human trafficking
  • Persons with serious illnesses or in need of medical treatment
  • Persons with mental disorders
  • Victims of torture and severe forms of psychological, physical, or sexual violence

Entities of the Humanitarian Assistance Program

According to Royal Decree 220/2022, of March 29, approving the Regulation of the reception system for international protection matters, the management of humanitarian assistance programs by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration is carried out through concerted action.

The purpose of this new management mechanism is to increase efficiency in the functioning of the Humanitarian Assistance Program, without excluding the necessary flexibility to adapt to a naturally dynamic context. In recent years, the number of arrivals of migrants in need of assistance through the program has steadily increased.

Furthermore, the General Directorate of Humanitarian Assistance and Social Inclusion of Immigration is the competent body for planning and selecting the benefits, actions, and services to be provided through concerted action for the management of the program in question.

In this regard, it should be noted that the Program is carried out through 13 accredited entities, and the services they provide are established in Resolution of November 14, 2022, of the General Directorate of Humanitarian Assistance and Social Inclusion of Immigration, which establishes the planning of benefits, actions, and services to be provided within the humanitarian assistance program through concerted action for the years 2023-2026.

Documentation requirements, submission procedures, resolution deadlines, and authorization for concerted action:

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